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Are social media making us insecure?

I’m going home from work, I pull out the phone from my pocket and I start scrolling Instagram. Once more I see the perfectly cropped pictures with candy filters. I’m attacked from all sides with posts about healthy living and exercises that actually give you a flat stomach. I look at the wide smiles of people with perfectly sculpted bodies. I realize it’s been a month since my last visit at the gym. I start to feel guilty. I realize it’s yet another time when social media made me feel insecure.

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I’m lucky… or unlucky. How to understand that?

Luck and bad luck are topics that are deeply rooted in our culture and language. They are so widespread that even non-superstitious people believe in it. On the other hand we have people, who discard this kind of thinking and say it has no place in reality. And so a question emerges, whether is it really such a black-and-white matter. Do talismans and other tricks have no influence on our “luck”? And do we have influence over it? The answer might be less obvious than you think.

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